Who, What, When & Where
Regular Sunday Services have recommenced at our centres under strict COVID-safe guidelines).
The congregation of St Paul's Cooma (the principal worship centre of our scattered Christian communities) meets for worship at 9.30am each Sunday in St Paul's Church, 136 Commissioner St.
A small group meets to pray in the meeting room next to the office 30 minutes before the Sunday service.
St John's is a church with a remarkable history.
Initially built in what is now known as Old Adaminaby, this wonderful old church was dismantled and re-built some 8 kilometres away following the construction of Lake Eucumbene, which flooded the original township. In fact, the entire village was relocated to its present site to make way for the Snowy Hydro Electric Scheme.
Currently worship is held on the first and third Sunday at 4:00pm (daylight savings).or 3:00pm the rest of the year.
Services are held in our cosy hall adjacent to the church. But for major services such as Christmas and Easter, the church is our worship venue.
We are small in number but dedicated in our worship, which is relaxed and somewhat informal.
Our local contact is Deacon Edith Mayhew: Ph 6454 2274.
St Bartholomew's, Dulcie Street, Bredbo - a Christian Place for the Community.
Worship is held on the first Sunday of each month at 11.30am. The fellowship and worship is deep and sincere.
St Andrew's Church, Sandy Flat Rd, built 1875
In 2025, worship services will be held 23 March, 19 April (Easter Saturday), 22 June, 28 September and Christmas Eve at 11:30am.
St John's Church, MacLean St.
Regular worship services have been discontinued. Christmas, Easter and occasional services will be advertised.
St Peter's Church, Kirke St.
Currently there is a service held on the third Sunday of the month at 11:30am. There's no service in January.
Christ Church, Maneroo
Built in 1845, Christ Church is the oldest Christian worship building on the Monaro. It is located on Church Rd, just beyond the outskirts of Cooma.
With its accompanying pioneer cemetery, it is a historical landmark, and a testament to the labours of those who began gospel work in the region.
Regular worship ceased when St Paul's Cooma was completed in 1871/72. Special services are held at Christ Church occasionally.